FEPS 2015
September 11, 2014 in Uncategorized by admin
We would like to invite all European physiologists and biomedical scientists to attend the joint meeting of FEPS and the Baltic Physiological Societies in 2015. The meeting will be held in Kaunas, Lithuania in August 26-29, 2015. The congress will include plenary lectures of distinguished scientists, symposium organized on hot topics in physiological sciences, oral presentations and poster sessions. The program will cover the broad range of physiological sciences, and include the traditional FEPS Young Scientist and Physiology Teaching Symposium. The scientific quality of the presentations will guarantee that this meeting will be a memorable event for all attendees, and the program will be designed to provide opportunities for scientific exchange between the participants.
We sincerely believe that this meeting will be one of the most important European scientific events in 2015, and hope that you will come to Kaunas and join the world’s leading physiologists at this event.
On behalf of the Local and International Organizing Committee,
Prof. Dr. Edgaras Stankevičius
President of the joint meeting of FEPS and the Baltic Physiological Societies
Official website: www.feps2015.org